BuzzyBots 2.3 Manual


- Introduction
- General rules
- Players
- Gametypes
- Buzzybots commands
- Nice to know
- Links
- Team/Credits


Today game graphics are moving in a direction of photo-realism needing monster computers and graphics cards like the Geforce 3 (now 4). The days where games were made in the garage are long overdue, but to honor those days we will try to make a mod focusing on a fun gameplay, and not being realistic in any manner.

The game takes place 25 years ago (but on the other side of the galaxy .. hehe). What used to be a planet of peaceful BuzzyBots of mixed colors, has changed to a planet of war. No one can remember why, but outsiders have speculated that is has something to do with the strange "Skrunks" that came to the planets, only a few months before the first battles started. The "Skrunks" seems amused by the warfare and don't hesitate smashing a few robots them self, if there are anyone nearby.

General rules

A player will be reborn after getting killed. His score will only be lowered. It will be some time before he can move on. Powerups can be bought after each round (better "engines", "weapons","armor" and so on ..), always based on what you already got.
All in all the game's primary goal is to be fun!


The style of the game is "cartoonish". The models are kept simple and "cute". There are different kinds of BuzzyBots a team member can be.

"runnerbot" - fast but light armored.
"bomberbot" - a real master with explosives.
"gardianbot" - heavy armored but rather slow.
"trooperbot" - standard speed, weapondry and armor.
"spy" - very little armor and health, but anonymous and able to fly.

Besides the team bots there are ingame "Skrunk bots" (CPU, team free and generally mean!) moving around making troubles for our team members.

"Bahl" - A bot shaped like a ball. Have great joy in 'zapping' bots and pushing them around.
"Pyra" - A bot shaped like a pyramid. Bots nearby are affected by his subsound transmitter, making them dizzy and causing damage.
"Qbe" - A bot shaped like a cube. This bot likes to ram other bots that it sees.


For now there are two kinds of game types in BuzzyBots.

"Blow up the Beacon" - This will be the "main" game type in BuzzyBots. Both teams are stranded at a hostile place, after having a little space battle. The only way for the teams to get home is by sending a radio beacon to the nearby friendly ships. The only problem is that the ship can only take one crew, so it is up to the two teams to destroy the other team's beacon. The beacons selfdestruction sequence can be activated by the opponent team. If not deactivated before it blows the team looses.

"Get the Super Chip" - A "Super Chip" has been placed somewhere at the map. This chip will be a great plus in the warfare, so both bot armies really want to get their "hands" on this little wonder. The winner team will be the team that get to the chip first, and brings it back to their homebase.

Buzzybot Commands

Client side:
"radio1" - A list of radio commands you can send to you teammates.
"radio2" - A list of radio acknowledgesments you can send to you teammates.
"throw" - Throw the chip to the person you are looking at.
"overload" - Does a kamakazii and kills everything very close by (Spies can't do this).
"radar" - Turns the radar ON/OFF.
"teammenu" - Brings up a select team menu.
"classmenu" - Brings up a select class menu.
"tacmenu" - Brings up a tactical commands menu
"commenu" - Brings up a chat menu.

Server side:
"mp_skrunkaggression 0/1" - Tells if the skrunks are allowed to make unprovoked attacks
"mp_skrunkhealth 0-1000" - Tells how much health the skrunks starts with

"mp_trooperspeed 0-2000" - Tells how fast the trooper can go
"mp_guardianspeed 0-2000" - Tells how fast the guardian can go
"mp_runnerspeed 0-2000" - Tells how fast the runner can go
"mp_bomberspeed 0-2000" - Tells how fast the bomber can go
"mp_spyspeed 0-2000" - Tells how fast the spy can go

"mp_trooperdamage 0-1000" - Tells how much damage the trooper gives per shoot
"mp_guardiandamage 0-1000" - Tells how much damage the guardian gives per shoot
"mp_runnerdamage 0-1000" - Tells how much damage the runner gives per shoot
"mp_bomberdamage 0-1000" - Tells how much damage the bomber gives per shoot
"mp_spydamage 0-1000" - Tells how much damage the spy gives per shoot

"mp_trooperhealth 0-255" - Tells how much health the trooper starts with
"mp_guardianhealth 0-255" - Tells how much health the guardian starts with
"mp_runnerhealth 0-255" - Tells how much health the runner starts with
"mp_bomberhealth 0-255" - Tells how much health the bomber starts with
"mp_spyhealth 0-255" - Tells how much health the spy starts with

"mp_trooperarmor 0-255" - Tells how much armor the trooper starts with
"mp_guardianarmor 0-255" - Tells how much armor the guardian starts with
"mp_runnerarmor 0-255" - Tells how much armor the runner starts with
"mp_bomberarmor 0-255" - Tells how much armor the bomber starts with
"mp_spyarmor 0-255" - Tells how much armor the spy starts with

"mp_troopercooling 0-100" - Tells how effective the trooper cooling is
"mp_guardiancooling 0-100" - Tells how effective the guardian cooling is
"mp_runnercooling 0-100" - Tells how effective the runner cooling is
"mp_bombercooling 0-100" - Tells how effective the bomber cooling is
"mp_spycooling 0-100" - Tells how effective the spy cooling is

"mp_trooperheat 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single trooper primary shot gives
"mp_guardianheat 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single guardian primary shot gives
"mp_runnerheat 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single runner primary shot gives
"mp_bomberheat 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single bomber primary shot gives
"mp_spyheat 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single spy primary shot gives

"mp_trooperheat2 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single trooper seconday shot gives
"mp_guardianheat2 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single guardian secondary shot gives
"mp_bomberheat2 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single bomber secondary shot gives
"mp_spyheat2 0-100" - Tells how much heat a single spy secondary shot gives

"mp_forceteam 0-1000" - Tells how much difference is allowed in teamscore before forceing auto teams (0=disabled)
"mp_maxupgrades 0-8" - Tells how many upgrades are allowed per player

Nice to know

The dobbelt jump - if in midair you press the jump button again you will get a litte boost upwards.
Spies 'n' radar" - The spies transmits the position of all enemies it can see to it's teammates.
Enemies 'n' radar" - If you can see a bot in the distances, he will show up on your radar, allowing you to see if he is a friend or foo.
Beacon - When the beacon blows up, it causes great damage to the bots standing close to it.


[ The BuzzyBot fourm! ]
[ The Official BB Maping page! ]
[ Site with misc BB downloads! ]
[ A cool mod coding page! ]
[ Our hosters! ]


Team members:
Ditlew - Team Leader, Head coder
Stone - 2d/3d artists.
Kurtzmann - Coder
ScareCrow - Artist (modeller, animator, skins, textures)
Chips - Maps and textures.
Cheesehound - Maps and textures.
Freerider - HTML and web.
Flagmo - Sounds and funky ideas.

Freelance mappers:
TTJ - bb_blackandwhite, sc_spacewalk.
Encee - bb_domino.
Pwg7 - bb_core, bb_mars

We would like to thanks the following:

Tuturials/coding help:
Botman - Radar tut.
Shadow Consumes - Freeze grenades.
BigGuy - Team spawn points.
Gavin - Capture the object.
Blake Grant - Observer mode.
Virus3000 - mapping tools.
TerBot - for making a nice bomb model.
Erik Smith - Kuul VALVe guy who calls me "didlelou" (Ditlew is pronouced "did-live")


If we have forgot any, we are deebly sorry!

Buzzybots's Homepage